Funny Captions

Every fantastic insta-photo needs an awesome instagram caption.
This can be funny, short, odd, weird, coo, awesome, even savage.
For every photo on instagram there is a story to sell. And it
makes a big difference if you are sharing a couples photo,
one for friends, group photos, a selfie, landscape, you name it.

Photo captions, also known as cutlines,are a few lines of text used to explain or elaborate on published photographs.

In some cases captions and cutlines are distinguished,
where the caption is a short (usually one-line) title/explanation for
the photo, while the cutline is a longer, prose block under the caption,
generally describing the photograph, giving context, or relating it to the article.

Captions more than a few sentences long are often referred to as a "copy block".
They are a type of display copy.
Display copy also includes headlines and contrasts with "body copy",
such as newspaper articles and magazines.

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