Funny Sayings

                         FUNNY SAYINGS

A Funny saying is any concisely written or spoken expression that is especially memorable because of its meaning or style

 Some people are
like clouds.
When they disappear,
It's a beautiful Day.
 Time decides
who you meet
in life , your
heart decides
who you want
in your life,
and your behavior
decides who
stays in your life

 "People say
Nothing is
impossible but i
do nothing every
Day "
 I 'm actually not funny
I'm just really mean and
people think I'm Joking

 If you're wrong and you
    Shut up
you're wise

If you're right and you
  shut up
You're Married

 Last night the
Internet stopped
working So i spend a
few hours with my
family . they seem
like good people .

Never Let your
best friend get
lonely ... keep
disturbing them..
W.T.F  😆😆😆😆
 When you ask me
what I am doing
today and I say
" Nothing "
It does not mean I am
free . it means
I am doing

 I love pandas they're so
chill . They're like "Dude,
racism is stupid . I m white'
Black and asian ....

 Singing in the shower
Is all fun and games
until you get
in your mouth ,
then it just
Becomes a soap opera.

 If i manage to
survive the rest
of the week,
i would like my
straight jacket
in hot pink &&
my helmet to sparkle.

 It's been a rough week
but on a positive

I didn't need
any bail
money and
didn't have to
hide any bodies .

That awkward
moment when
you're wearing
Nike's and you
Can't Do It.

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